
Formaldehyde is a colorless and strong-smelling gas that is commonly used in various industries and products. While it serves several purposes, such as in the production of resins, plastics, and textiles, formaldehyde exposure can pose significant risks to human health. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of formaldehyde, shedding light on its sources, health effects, and the importance of awareness and prevention.

Understanding Formaldehyde

1.1 Definition and properties of formaldehyde

1.2 Common sources of formaldehyde emissions

1.3 Industrial and consumer applications of formaldehyde

Sources of Formaldehyde in Daily Life

3.1 Building materials and indoor air quality

3.2 Furniture and pressed wood products

3.3 Personal care and household products

3.4 Occupational exposure in various industries

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