

Ace Environmental Services Ltd. offers hazmat surveys in Vancouver and neighbouring parts of the Lower Mainland to identify ALL hazardous items that may be present in a facility if you fear your old home or company may contain asbestos, lead paint.


Formaldehyde is a colorless and strong-smelling gas that is commonly used in various industries and products. While it serves several purposes, such as in the production of resins, plastics, and textiles, formaldehyde exposure can pose significant risks to human health. In this blog post, we will delve into the world of formaldehyde, shedding light on its sources, health effects, and the importance of awareness and prevention.

Carbon monoxide testing

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a deadly gas that poses a serious risk to human health and safety. Because it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, it can go undetected without proper monitoring. Carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to severe health complications and even death. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of carbon monoxide testing, highlighting its importance in safeguarding against this silent threat and ensuring the well-being of individuals and communities.

Carbon dioxide testing

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a vital component of our atmosphere, playing a crucial role in maintaining the Earth's temperature and supporting the growth of plant life. However, the excessive accumulation of CO2 due to human activities has led to alarming consequences, such as global warming and climate change. Monitoring and testing carbon dioxide levels have become essential in understanding and mitigating these environmental challenges. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of carbon dioxide testing and explore its various applications across different sectors.

VOC testing

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are a diverse group of chemicals that are commonly found in many household and industrial products. While they play a role in various applications, such as solvents and fragrances, their presence can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of VOC testing, exploring the hidden dangers of these compounds and the importance of monitoring and mitigating their presence.

Indoor air quality testing

The quality of the air we breathe indoors has a direct impact on our health, comfort, and overall well-being. Unfortunately, many indoor environments suffer from poor air quality due to various factors such as inadequate ventilation, pollutants from everyday activities, and building materials. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of indoor air quality (IAQ) testing, highlighting the importance of assessing and improving the air we breathe within our homes, offices, and other indoor spaces.

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